Houston Public Works will hold a virtual public meeting for the east segment of the Garden Oaks / Shepherd Park Plaza stormwater drainage project at 5 p.m. Thursday, September 24, 2020.

Though currently not funded, the east segment is now in the design phase. It is the third and last phase of the overall project. The first phase, primarily along Alba Road and Chamboard Lane, was completed in 2019.

During the virtual meeting, neighbors can meet the project team and hear updates on the status and design of the final stage of this capital improvement project — including pavement design.

A Q&A session will be provided; email questions in advance to the Public Engagement Team by Monday, September 21, at: buildforward@houstontx.gov.

The three segments for the overall drainage and streets project are designed to work in tandem to help reduce flooding.

  1. The central segment was completed more than a year ago along Alba Road, Chamboard Lane and Brinkman Drive.

  2. The $26 million west segment primarily runs along Golf Drive, but includes work along Briar Haven Drive, Chamboard Lane and Park Plaza Drive in Shepherd Park Plaza, and Wakefield Drive, Rosepoint Street south of Garden Oaks. Construction is scheduled to start in Fall 2021 with completion set for Winter 2023.

  3. The $24 million east segment will cover portions of W. 43rd Street, Sue Barnett Drive and Wakefield Drive in Garden Oaks, plus several Shepherd Park streets. A construction schedule has not been set.

As with the central, primary segment, the east portion will involve significant storm drainage improvements, concrete and/or asphalt paving, curbs, sidewalks, driveways and underground utilities. Overall, the three-phase project was designed to reduce recurring in Shepherd Park Plaza, while improving stormwater drainage throughout the area.

The Public Works meeting will be held on the free-to-access Microsoft Teams platform.

For a meeting link, dial in number and more, visit https://www.publicworks.houstontx.gov/engage.

For more on the east segment of this project, visit https://www.publicworks.houstontx.gov/garden_oaks_and_shepherd_park_east

East segment of Garden Oaks / Shepherd Park Plaza stormwater drainage project..png

East segment map of the Garden Oaks / Shepherd Park Plaza stormwater drainage Houston Public Works project.

GO SPP Drainage Project - overall.png

Overall project layout for the three segments of the Garden Oaks / Shepherd Park Plaza stormwater drainage project.
